Originally Posted by Rangerscott
Ok. I joined bing and fast cash back blah blah. Here's my search for my item I want. What do I do now?
http://www.bing.com/shopping/ASUS-G7...20g73jh-a1&p1=[CommerceService%20scenario%3d%22o%22%20docid%3d%22 D3A40623106CEF060001%22%20a%3d%22pa%22]&wf=Commerce&FORM=ENCA0
I pay full price, then get the cash back?
I'm sure you can do it the way you are trying, but I've never used it for an item purchased directly through Bing. I have always searched for something general (ASUS, ipod, whatever) and used the top link to ebay. At that point do a specific search for what you want. Any cashback eligible item will have that little dollar sign coin next to the description in your search results. Choose the item that fits what you want from a seller with good feedback. You will have to pay the full buy it now price then wait for your cashback.