Originally Posted by Trip
It's still not really training. Working a dog and training to be a house pet can be seperated. A well trained dog that is very obedient can act out as described if it isn't being worked properly. It can be as simple for some breeds as taking them for a walk to get the "hunt" out of them everyday or giving a sheltie something to herd. For each breed, the natural tendencies are still there and need to be addressed no matter how much training you put them through.
Labs like to be service dogs, if they are worked that way they will be very happy and will act as trained. My friend's dogs were worked by retreiving golf balls and placing them perfectly on the tee after his dad hit them. They knew if they didn't place them perfectly on the tee they would get in trouble and you could tell they wanted to do it perfect. It was really cool to watch and we knew not to mess with the dogs during this time he spent with them. They would take turns fetching and would not go until commanded and only the one commanded would go. Very intelligent dogs.
I know this, we're on the same page dork.