View Poll Results: I have left my key in the bike when parked...
Bassplayer, board, EtyrnuSS, Gas Man, jetskifast, JK, kanwisch, karl_1052, Lamnidae, LeeNetworX, M1$3|2, marko138, MFFJM2, Mrs. Colleen, WARputer, z06boy, ZUKIMON
17 |
13.93% |
Amorok, BobTheBiker, Cutty72, DIMford, Fleck750, itgirl, KwayZeeyT, LaFemmes, LittleTaz, merle, MissHell, neebelung, njchopper87, PhiSig1071, PiZdETS, Rider, seDUCtive, t-homo, TYEster, wideopen1
20 |
16.39% |
More than once
101lifts2, anthonyk, Antwanny, Audiomechanic, Becca_007, Bluestreak, Carolina, caveman, ceo012384, comonboys, Crazy, CrazyKell, Cruzergirl, cuttle, dreaded, EpyonXero, Falcogirl, fnfalman, FT BSTRD, HokieDNA01, HRCNICK11, jtemple, Katherine, Krabill, lauralynne, Librarian, Lucky3623, Mikey, MILK, Mr Lefty, mtp, Mule, nyricanf15`, OneSickPsycho, OreoGaborio, Over200, p00kienrayray, papapoi, Papa_Complex, Particle Man, quackPOT, RCM78, Riceaholic, RiderRageGoneBAD, Sauron, ScorchedCarbon, sfarson, sherri_chickie, skiergirl, Smittie61984, Southspice, speedylocksmith, stermp66, tached1000rr, tallywacker, Thumper996, Trip, upshift, VFR Rider, was92v, wildchild
61 |
50.00% |
shit... where the fuck ARE my keys
byron12, Curb, Fat Baby Joe, MEDIC, nhgunnut, NONE_too_SOFT, Quick281, Sean, Sixxxxer, SoFlaSV, Speedracer170, the chi, unknownroad, Vettezilla (Impala Balko), Whitelightning, Winta, zer0t
17 |
13.93% |
Tater's Whore of an ex-wife doesn't need keys... just alcohol.
7 |
5.74% |
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